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Afghanistan: The Modern Concept of Independence

Achieving complete independence for a country can be challenging in the presence of poverty, reliance on external aid, lack of women’s education, and an unrepresentative government. It is crucial to critically analyze the historical events and broader geopolitical factors that have shaped Afghanistan’s past and present, in order to better understand the multifaceted challenges faced by this country.

The concept of independence has undergone significant evolution over time, and in the context of Afghanistan, independence holds deep-rooted historical significance. This country gained its independence from British colonial rule in 1919, marking the beginning of a new era. At that time, independence for Afghanistan meant liberation from external control and the ability to govern its own affairs.

In modern times, independence encompasses various dimensions, including political, economic, social, and cultural independence. Politically, it has evolved to reflect the idea of self-governance, national sovereignty, and the right to determine policies without external interference.

Economic independence, which unfortunately we lack, refers to the ability of countries to sustain their economic well-being without being overly reliant on external factors or resources. It is achieved through a combination of factors including self-sufficiency, diversification of economic activities, and the ability to generate income and resources within their own parameters. Economically independent countries have the capacity to make autonomous decisions regarding their economic affairs. This can include having a diverse range of industries, a skilled workforce, access to resources, and robust trade and investment opportunities.

Socially and culturally, independence has come to embody the preservation of Afghan identity, traditions, and values.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that Afghanistan has faced numerous challenges in fully realizing these aspirations of independence. Throughout history, the country has experienced periods of political instability, invasions, interventions, and internal conflicts, which have hindered progress and autonomy.

These challenges have significantly impacted Afghan society’s ability to fully exercise its independence.

In the current context, Afghanistan is facing a pivotal moment as it undergoes political transitions and strives for stability. The concept of independence remains relevant as the nation seeks to shape its future and assert its sovereignty. Afghan society’s aspirations for independence are reflected in their desire for a representative government, the eradication of corruption, economic self-sufficiency, and security from external threats.

In the modern era, the concept of freedom in relation to the struggle against foreign invasion indicates that defeating an enemy on the battlefield is just one step towards achieving freedom, but it doesn’t guarantee complete liberation. The nation’s reliance on foreign aid and the rulers begging for recognition, as well as the lack of equal access to education and the escalating level of poverty, have hindered the true experience of the proclaimed freedom.

History has shown numerous instances where countries truly fought for their independence, got stuck in various disputes, and did not achieve the objectives of freedom due to the weak political visions of their leaders. From the British to the Russians and more recently, the Americans, the struggle of Afghans for freedom has succeeded to some extent, but they have badly failed to experience the freedom they fought for.

True freedom encompasses more than just the absence of direct external forces in the country. It includes the ability of a nation to govern itself, determine its destiny, and ensure the well-being of its citizens. Issues such as economic stability, access to education, getting rid of reliance on external aid, and political participation are crucial elements in realizing the full potential of freedom.

While celebrating independence through slogans and symbolic expressions is important, it is equally important for nations to address deeper systemic challenges. This includes building self-sufficiency, fostering inclusive institutions, and developing policies that empower citizens.

The journey towards genuine freedom can be complex and multifaceted, requiring concerted efforts from both the government and the people. Achieving sustainable freedom goes beyond winning wars against foreign powers; it involves building a society that upholds the principles of justice, respects human rights, and creates equal opportunities for all.

It is worth acknowledging that the path to full-fledged freedom is unique for each nation, and the pursuit of such goals will continue to evolve over time. By critically examining the factors hindering the complete realization of freedom, nations can strive towards genuine independence, inclusive development, and the overall betterment of their people.

It is crucial to critically analyze the historical events and broader geopolitical factors that have shaped Afghanistan’s past and present, in order to better understand the multifaceted challenges faced by this country.

Achieving complete independence for a country can be challenging in the presence of poverty, reliance on external aid, lack of women’s education, and an unrepresentative government.

Poverty can hinder a nation’s ability to develop self-sufficiency and build a strong and diverse economy. Reliance on external aid can create dependency, making it harder to establish economic independence and make autonomous decisions. Additionally, the lack of women’s education can hinder a country’s human capital development and limit the potential contributions of half of the population.

Furthermore, an unrepresentative government, which does not adequately reflect or address the needs and aspirations of its people, can hinder progress toward independence. A government that fails to provide inclusive governance, uphold human rights, and ensure equal opportunities for all can exacerbate social and political divisions.

However, while these challenges may impede complete independence, it is not impossible for a country to strive towards greater self-reliance and autonomy. It requires comprehensive strategies that address poverty eradication, promote economic diversification, enhance education and skills development for all citizens, particularly women, and establish a more representative and accountable government. International cooperation and support can play a crucial role in assisting countries in overcoming these challenges and working towards achieving independence.

However, it is essential to recognize that achieving complete independence goes beyond diplomatic engagement. It requires building a strong and self-sustaining economy, investing in education and healthcare, ensuring good governance, decreasing the level of reliance on external aid, ending the decriminalized employment attitude, and providing opportunities for all Afghan citizens. By focusing on these areas, the Taliban can work towards a more inclusive and prosperous future that aligns with the aspirations of the Afghan people and garners international support.

In conclusion, the concept of independence has evolved over time in the world, encompassing political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions. It remains a relevant and complex issue for Afghan society as it navigates its path towards stability and self-determination, overcoming challenges and striving for a better future. Indeed, achieving true freedom involves more than simply defeating an enemy on the battlefield. Nations must strive not to become overly reliant on foreign aid and recognition, while concurrently prioritizing education as a means of empowering individuals and nurturing independent thinking. By addressing these issues comprehensively, nations can pave the way toward a more genuine and lasting experience of freedom

Abdul Wahid Wahid
Abdul Wahid Wahid
Abdul Wahid is a senior journalist from Afghanistan who contributes regularly toTaand, Nunn, Asia and 8am.af. He can be reached at waheedkhan164@gmail.com,

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