Xi attends restricted session of SCO Samarkand summit

SCO Summit 2022
SCO Summit 2022

President Xi Jinping poses for a group photo with other leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states before the restricted session of the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO at the International Conference Center in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Sept 16, 2022. Xi attended the restricted session here on Friday.

SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan — President Xi Jinping on Friday attended here the restricted session of The 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan  (September 15-16) once again underscored the role that China aspires to play in the world. President Xi Jinping’s  desire for a ” win-win cooperation based on a consultative and cooperative approach for political coordination  and economic development for a world order that is based on justice, trust and respect,” once again underlined China’s policy of peaceful coexistence and joint pursuit of economic development. With this advice, Xi , who was also very restrained about the Ukraine-Russian conflict seemed to stand above all as an elder brother anxious to push for global and regional peace and harmony through collaboration and mutual respect.

In his speech , Xi underlined the importance of forging political trust, mutual respect and  free choice of development path under the SCO flag.

“It is important to pursue win-win cooperation and that requires the SCO member states to accommodate each other’s interests, stay true to the principle of consultation and cooperation for shared benefits, enhance synergy between our respective development strategies, and keep to the path of win-win cooperation toward common prosperity,” the Chinese leader said.

Believe and practice in mutual respect and the spirit of cooperation is even more important in a world that is not a peaceful place any more.

“Rivalry between two sets of policy choices — unity or division, cooperation or confrontation — is getting more acute. This brings shocks to world peace and stability and is detrimental to the long-term development of the region… that is why it is important to treat each other as equals,”  the Chinese president said, adding that the SCO member states are committed to the principle of equality among all countries regardless of their size, consensus-based decision-making, and addressing issues through friendly consultations.

During his speech, President Xi also outlined several priorities which could help the world go forward and move away from confrontation to cooperation.

The priorities, according to the China Daily (https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202209/16/WS63244feba310fd2b29e78252.html)  are as follows:

First, staying committed to the Shanghai Spirit and enhancing solidarity and cooperation. It is important that the SCO stay true to its founding mission, increase mutual trust, and join forces to cope with the complex changes in the external environment. Member states need to continue to support each other on matters concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns and serve as a strong backing for each other’s development and rejuvenation.

Second, maintaining strategic independence and safeguarding regional stability. Member states need to advocate the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and reject any attempt to create bloc confrontation and damage regional stability. Bearing in mind the security needs of countries in the region, they should build consensus on security cooperation, and work together to protect sustained stability and security in the region. The SCO should enhance its law enforcement cooperation and prevent terrorist and extremist forces from jeopardizing regional security.

Third, pursuing inclusiveness and shared benefits in promoting development cooperation. Member states should actively promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, ensure the stable and smooth functioning of industrial and supply chains, and encourage the orderly flow of resources and factors of production, so as to realize greater economic integration and development in the region. They should redouble efforts to promote complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and other national development strategies and regional cooperation initiatives to stimulate the dynamism for growth in participating countries.

Fourth, advancing the SCO expansion process and strengthening SCO institutions. An increasing number of countries have applied to join the SCO family. This fully demonstrates the power of SCO’s vision and the widely shared confidence in its future. The SCO should seize the opportunity and step up its work to expand the ranks of cooperation and augment the effective force for international equity and justice.

Xi assured the SCO members that China stands ready to draw on its own development to contribute to the development of countries in the region and to a better life for the people in the countries.