Down Syndrome is a genetic condition that was first described by British physician John Langdon Haydon Down in the year 1862, but it was only in 1959, the French physician Jérôme Lejeune identified Down syndrome as a chromosomal condition.
World Down Syndrome Day is observed annually on March 21 to raise public awareness of the genetic condition. The estimated incidence of Down syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide. Each year, approximately 3,000 to 5,000 children are born with this chromosome disorder, according to United Nations.
The theme of World Down Syndrome Day this year is “Inclusion Means”. It urges for efforts to be made to involve people with Down syndrome in all aspects of life and to avoid discrimination against them. To provide them an equal chance and opportunities to participate in society.
The rural areas of Pakistan have the highest number of children with Down Syndrome, particularly in the villages of Sindh and Northern Pakistan. These rural locations also have the greatest rates of Congenital Cardiac Defects among children with Down Syndrome.
Due to the lack of government attention, various attempts have been made by local non-government organizations and various social workers, psychologists, and speech therapists to bring an understanding of Down Syndrome and a child with Ds among families and society, and extensive steps have been taken to spread awareness and show support for their basic health and education rights.
Pakistan Down Syndrome Association (PDSA) is a small but vital organization based in a small village in rural Sindh that not only raises health awareness but also financially assists children and their families in need of additional care.

Symptoms of Down Syndrome
A child with down syndrome is usually shorter than the rest, with a flattened face, slender neck, protruding tongue, muscle tone issues, etc.
People with Down syndrome suffer from developmental delays and cognitive impairment which is a leading cause of learning impairments in children. It can also create other health issues, such as cardiac and gastrointestinal problems.
Individual Down syndrome symptoms can range from mild to severe intellectual and developmental impairments, with some people arriving in normal health and others presenting with catastrophic health problems such as heart defects.
Although Down syndrome infants are normally of ordinary size, they grow slowly and remain shorter than other children their age. The majority of Down syndrome children have mild to moderate cognitive impairment, with both short and long-term memory compromised as well as delayed language.
Down syndrome is commonly discovered during the course of a pregnancy. If not detected, the infant’s appearance can usually be used to diagnose the condition.
Life expectancy for people with Down syndrome has grown considerably, people with Down syndrome can now expect to live for more than 60 years, depending on their health concerns
Although there is no specific treatment for Down syndrome, there are a number of therapies that can help with the condition’s problems. As a result, screening children for these disorders at frequent intervals during their childhood is crucial
How To Observe World Down Syndrome Day?
Get involved
Show your support by attending an event in honor of World Down Syndrome Day or donating to a charity online. Step it up a notch by promoting your involvement on social media to inspire others to take the same initiative.
Incorporate blue and yellow
As the designated colors of the cause, blue and/or yellow should be utilized on World Syndrome Day. You can show your support by wearing something blue or yellow, icing cupcakes with blue and yellow frosting for schools, decorating an office with blue and yellow flowers or balloons, or filling bowls with blue and yellow M&Ms—it doesn’t matter how you rock these colors, just be sure you do.
Organize an event
Take initiative and organize your own event that will raise money and awareness for Down Syndrome. Planning a walk, holding a bake sale, or setting up a school fair are all fun events that will benefit those with Down Syndrome.
Why World Down Syndrome Day Is Important
It promotes awareness
World Down Syndrome Day helps educate the public on what Down Syndrome is and how to encourage those with Down Syndrome to participate in daily activities so they can live a full life and play a vital role in their community.
It empowers people with Down Syndrome
The accomplishments and contributions of people with Down Syndrome are often overlooked. However, this event highlights the positive difference they make in their community and gives them the recognition they deserve.