What is Recharge Pakistan?

What is Recharge Pakistan?

Recharge Pakistan is a landmark initiative that will reduce flood and drought risk, lower GHG emissions, and support climate-resilient businesses in Pakistan. The project will improve the resilience and livelihoods of 687,000 people and indirectly benefit over seven million people.

USAID contributed $5.0 million to a partnership with WWF and the Coca-Cola Foundation, which contributed $1.8 million and $5.0 million respectively. This partnership will leverage a $66 million grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to complement natural systems (watershed, wetlands, drainage system, forestation) to enhance Pakistan’s climate resilience with the goal of reducing flood and drought risk across the Indus Basin. The project will introduce an ecosystem-based approach and a network of green infrastructure to increase groundwater recharge, reduce flood hazard, promote climate-smart agriculture, support private sector engagement and strengthen the policy environment in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, and Balochistan provinces. Recharge will implement these interventions in D.I. Khan and Ramak watersheds (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province), Manchar Lake (Sindh province), and Chakar Lehri watershed (Baluchistan province).

Recharge targets:

  • Restore and reforest 14,215 hectares of forests and wetlands.
  • Rehabilitate 34 KM of floodwater channels.
  • Create 127 groundwater recharge basins and stormwater retention areas.
  • Strengthen the climate resilience of seven local businesses in the agriculture and forestry sectors.
  • Reduce flooding hazards for over 50,000 hectares.
  • Reduce GHG emission by 52,900 tons of CO2 equivalent.

Fact Sheet


Total Project Cost$77,800,000
USAID’S Contribution$5,000,000
Total funding to date (by USAID)$1,000,000
Length of ProjectJul 2023- June 2028 (up to 2030)
Implementing PartnerWorld Wildlife Fund
Geographic ScopeKhyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan