Saddam Hussein
The misplaced approach of applying geo-political prism to trans-border issues, such as COVID-19, entails inherent risks. All the nations should avoid going down this lane, if they want to serve the same purpose i.e. help the people, serve the humanity. Pandemics do not allow for politicization; if it does then all would suffer eventually.

Moreover, one should not be selective of general principle/procedures. For United States, every single thing seems kosher as long as it deems it fit and serves its purpose. Though, whenever some other country goes the same way then US accuse it of being a partisan, violative of human rights and a threat to global peace equation.
US has reported more than 1.8 million confirmed COVID-19 cases cumulatively with over 100,000 deaths, as of June 03, 2020; both figures are highest in the world. The grim situation; thus, necessities an effective response in the wake of global pandemic. However, the White House and some media outlets have been fabricating preposterous allegations and lies of one kind or another in order to shift the blame to China for their inadequate response to COVID-19.
First of all, Trump administration named COVID-19 as “Chinese Virus” unilaterally declared Wuhan as its origin. In contrast, being the first to report the virus does not mean that Wuhan is its origin. In fact, the origin is still not identified. Source tracing is a serious scientific matter, which should be based on science and should be studied by scientists and medical experts.
Furthermore, US is of the view that China could have contained the virus within Wuhan in the first place. However, it allowed many of its nationals to fly to Milan, New York and other places, spreading the virus to the rest of the world. Yet, the reality is that Beijing took the most stringent measures within the shortest possible time, which has largely kept the virus within Wuhan. Statistics show that very few cases were exported from China.
Washington also accuses China of downplaying the COVID-19 pandemic in its early stages, which costed lives and also hindered the fight against the disease. It also claims that Beijing sought to obfuscate over what was really happening. In contrast, Beijing affirms that the Chinese government has been very open, transparent and responsible in sharing the information with the world, including with the US and many other countries. On the other hand, Chinese claim that it was US which stood by with folded arms and buried its head in the sand of arrogance and self-conceit, at the onset of the outbreak when it first surfaced in China.
Earlier, senior US officials, instead of showing the slightest sign of morality and empathy, rejoiced over China’s misfortune and thought about taking advantage of it for their benefits. On January 30, 2020, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross suggested that the viral outbreak in China might offer an unexpected benefit for the US economy. It could encourage American manufacturers in China to return to the United States. The statement came in the days when the novel coronavirus, had paralyzed economic activity in China. The industrial hub of Wuhan and other Chinese cities were under lockdown and new cases and deaths were sky-rocketing.
At present, the pivot of the COVID-19 outbreak has now shifted to the US while China projects the image of a country that has efficaciously combated the virus and is ready to help the world. For instance, Beijing has sent medical team and supplies to countries around the globe, even as the European Union and the US are trying to consolidate their own domestic responses to the global outbreak. This comes at a time when the Trump administration has been facing a lot of censure for its inept handling of the pandemic.

President Trump and his administration is coming directly in the line of fire when it comes to criticism related to mishandling of the threat of COVID-19, many weeks before its arrival on the American shores. Trump, to this day is stubbornly defending himself and his decisions regarding pandemic and seems to be having only one answer to all his critics i.e. China. He has already punished World Health Organization (WHO) by withholding its funds apparently due to the organization’s public praise of Beijing’s response to the outbreak. Whereas, China has gone under the American Intelligence microscope for its alleged failure in controlling the pandemic. Nevertheless, the mood in Washington would be getting tougher. A close electoral race demands a harder line against China. All this would be done in ambit of a very famous warfare technique known as “diversion”.
In parallel, some American politicians have also been taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic out of their vested interests in the upcoming presidential election. Their hysterical and ludicrous farce and morbid insanity have clearly shown the world the hideous and despicable deals going on in the House of Cards.
“The coronavirus didn’t break America; it revealed what was already broken,” exclaimed George Packer, Staff Writer for the American media outlet – The Atlantic, in an opinion article in the issue of June 2020. Some problems in the American society can find their roots in the Cold War years and they have now reemerged and started to scourge the world as those politicians clinging to the Cold War and zero-sum mindset assumed power, he wrote.
While the Washington-Beijing relationship has become more toxic than ever since their dramatic rapprochement in the 1970s, the two have so far managed to avert a bigger blowup, but the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the possibility for a further deterioration in ties.

Lastly, US needs to understand that this COVID-19 is not just a health problem anymore. The ripple effects caused by this virus is hitting every sector of the economy and most of governments all around the globe are in awe, as how to confront the unseen lethal enemy. Rich countries may be bit comfortable for now as they could introduce huge relief packages and announce social protection schemes. Though, if COVID-19 manages to stay all through 2021, then the situation appears to be very gloomy. This is why US should not jump the gun, and could be playing game of thrones for later if we come out of this pandemic safely. Now is the time to cooperate, to join hands and fight together against a common enemy – the one which does not care if you are an American or a Chinese.
The author Saddam Hussein is a Development Economist, while he serves as a Research Fellow at Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS), and Program Officer for CRSS’ sister organization – Afghan Studies Center, Islamabad. He tweets @saddampide.