The Strategic Implications of the Wakhan Corridor for Afghanistan and China’s BRI

The Strategic Implications of the Wakhan Corridor for Afghanistan and China's BRI

In September 2023, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development inaugurated a 50km stretch of the Silk Road, the Little Pamir Highway, connecting the Wakhan district in Afghanistan directly to the Chinese border. This new route shortens the distance and reduces the cost of trade between Afghanistan and China. Since its completion, both governments have been actively discussing the opening of traffic through the Wakhan Corridor, a narrow strip of land in northeastern Afghanistan that separates Tajikistan from Pakistan.

To the Taliban, it could pave the way for a more ambitious strategic corridor, connecting Afghanistan not only with China but also, in a wider reach, with Pakistan and central Asia’s Tajikistan. For China, the opening of the Wakhan border would help extend its reach to diverse markets as part of the larger Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
The Taliban now awaits China’s approval to open this trade line officially even though security and cross-border terrorism will continue to be Beijing’s primary focus in this case.

Video Courtesy: CN Mega