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Monday, May 20, 2024

Ten Home-Loving Plants

Research carried out by Dr. Roger S. Ulrich of Texas University and Helen Russell, Surrey University, has revealed that plants significantly lower workplace stress and enhance productivity. People with indoor plants are 12% more productive and calm than the people working in a plantless environment.

Having small indoor plants can potentially improve air quality as well as remove impurities. They require low maintenance and are a source of peaceful contemplation during your hectic day.

These are some recommendations for placing indoor plants if you want to uplift aesthetics of your house as well add organic character to a dull environment.


Aloe: Aloe plants are small enough to easily fit on most desks. They additionally have air-filtering characteristics, with the ability to expel things like formaldehyde and benzene from the air. The gel inside the plant can also be utilized to treat cuts and burns. Very nutritious for hair and scalp. A spiky decor item for your kitchen or living room. Requires low maintenance if you keep it near window.

African Violets: These pretty blooms add a brilliant shade of purple to your interior decor, and are one of the few flowering plants that require little care. It is indoor as well as outdoor plant. These purple passion flowers demands water your once a week, but cold water would cause discoloration. The African sweethearts come in violet, purple, pale blue, or white flowers also have freshly texture and are also endangered.

Lucky Bamboos

Lucky Bamboos: This plant is a dark Dumbledore; it thrives even in the darker parts with indirect sunlight and can add a major sense of feng shui and zen to your home. If you need to add greenery to the darker places of your home, Lucky bamboo is just the ideal plant. Grow lucky bamboo in water, changing the water every two to four weeks.


Cactus: There is a variety of cacti for you to choose to add to your décor. They’re funky and non-fussy, and are probably the poster plants for non-garden environments. As we know some of the species are more of a desert plants, only requires watering once a week while growing, but during cooler weather in the winter months, watering intervals may be longer. Cacti have an irresistibly unique aesthetic that blends with a range of apartment styles, from bohemian to modern.

Asparagus Fern

Asparagus Fern: Asparagus setaceus is a fluffy green plant that adapts to both bright spots and darker corners. It resembles the fern plant but isn’t fern. Keep the soil moist and it’ll thrive. It is an ornamental house plant; the attractive foliage is also used in floral arrangements.


Lavender: A pot of lavender will add a pop of color and freshen your apartment far better than an everyday air freshener. Lavender does best in bright light, so place it near a window that welcomes in plenty of sunshine. They grow better in a pot and can be placed under a grow light if you don’t have ample sunshine in your apartment.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily:  Is a peaceful, soothing plant that also cleans the air. This plant can survive in very dim settings (ideal if your apartment faces another building and not the open sky), and only requires watering once a week. Peace lilies will even grow well under fluorescent lights. You can also place them in your bathroom or office for fresher  and cleaner air. It would help kill bacteria in the air.

Dragon Tree

Dragon Tree: The firm, strappy-leafed Dragon Tree; Dracena is a vibrant and easy-to-maintain option for people who want a larger plant that grows slowly over time. Medium to bright light and consistent moisture is ideal, though they are very durable if conditions change. But just be warned; Dracaena marginata is toxic to both dogs and cats, so keep your pets far away from this plant.

Calathea; The Prayer Plant

Calathea: It is also known as “Prayer Plant” which is grown for their foliage alone, and it’s easy to see why. The purple, green, pink, and red leaves put on quite the show. Calathea is a beautiful, colorful plant that adds vibrancy to your home. These minions like the shady floors of the tropical canopies, this genus prefers low to medium light, too much direct sunlight can damage their fragile leaves. For the best display, keep the plant moist (not drenched) and avoid bright light.

Begonia; Flower Bulbs

Begonia: These showy blooms only require the occasional drink, and even less water in the winter. They come in many different foliage colors and patterns. The Begonias are native to moist subtropical and tropical climates. These flowerets are commonly grown indoors as ornamental houseplants in cooler climates. The diversity of colors changes the mood of your setting.

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