Matrix Report

The Tasmanian tiger was reported extinct 80 years ago in Australia. However, recently released reports – in which several people documented their sightings of the Tasmanian tiger – have confirmed the carnivorous species has returned.
The Tasmanian tiger is a carnivorous animal that has been living on Earth for the past 4 million years. There were around 5000 Tasmanian tigers when the Europeans settled in Tasmania. People hunted the species and went overboard – almost wiping them out. The last known tiger captured was in 1933, which died in captivity in the year 1936.
Recently, many people have sighted the Tasmanian tiger in the wild areas of Tasmania, off the south coast of Australia. People have stated that these animals, with stark resemblance to the ones 80 years ago, were seen when people drove down the highway. People have stated that the animals had stiff tails and yellowish-brown fur, with stripes on its back. This resembles the early tigers. They were able to take a proper look at the animal because the animal was in plain sight and they stared the vehicles down for over 10 seconds. Other reports show people looking at striped creatures from afar. These witnesses all point towards the emergence of the Tasmanian tigers again.