Shahbaz Sharif Speech at UN: Unconvincing

Shahbaz Sharif speech at UN
Shahbaz Sharif speech at UN

Unfortunate copy paste of 8 points
Failure to connect to make a case on Kashmir

After listening to Mr. Mahmoud Abbas president of the State of Palestine and Mr Nicos Anastasiades President of the Republic of Cyprus speaking at the 77th session of UN GA, one can safely say that Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Shahbaz Sharif was not original and impressive in his speech on Kashmir.

His argument were a very poor repeat and there was no connectivity. It was a ritual reading out of a text.

Prime Minister of Pakistan repeated 8 points in almost the same language from the speech of Mr. Imran Khan delivered last year on 25 September 2021 through video to the 76th session of UN GA. Repeated issues and the language are the following:

  1. Illegal and unilateral measures
  2. Unleashed a reign of terror by an occupation force of 900,000
  3. It has jailed senior Kashmiri leadership
  4. It has extra-judicially killed hundreds of innocent Kashmiris in fake “encounters”;
  5. Change the demographic structure of the occupied territory, and transform it from a Muslim majority into a Muslim minority.
  6. 4th Geneva Convention
  7. Sustainable peace in South Asia is contingent upon resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute
  8. BJP government has intensified repression in Kashmir and continues to vitiate the environment by these barbaric acts.

On the contrary Presidents of Palestine and Cyprus argued their cases and connected with the jurisprudence of UN Resolutions. President of Palestine used a number of images as well.

While referring to 900,000 Indian forces, Prime Minister of Pakistan failed to connect it with UN SC Resolution 47 on their number, behaviour and location, with Indian offer made to UN SC on 8.12.1952 to keep 21,000 non-arms bearing soldiers, with the pledges made to Prime Minister of Great Britain on 26.10.1947, Government of Kashmir on 27.10.1947 and the Government of Pakistan on 28.10.1947 etc.