Palestine and Kashmir Awaits Justice on International Solidarity Day 

Palestine and Kashmir Awaits Justice on International Solidarity Day 
Palestine and Kashmir Awaits Justice on International Solidarity Day 

The UN General Assembly declared December 20 as International Human Solidarity Day to foster a culture of solidarity and a spirit of sharing that is crucial for eradicating poverty. However, the people of Kashmir and Palestine have been stripped of their rights since decades and the international community has been silent about it. 

International Human Solidarity Day serves as a day to celebrate diversity and remind governments to uphold their obligations under international agreements. It also serves to spark discussion about how to best advance solidarity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, which include eradicating poverty, as well as a day of action to support new initiatives for this purpose. 

As the world celebrates this day, the people of Kashmir and Palestine are waiting for the International community to take action. They need to speak up for the people of Jammu and Kashmir that are under occupation. 

A report published by Kashmir Media Service on the day says, commemorating the day would have no real influence on the ground unless international peace and justice activists stand with the oppressed populations of Kashmir and Palestine, whose political rights have been taken away by India and Israel as occupation powers.

The people of Palestine and Kashmir await to exercise their right of self-determination as the international community continues to celebrate the solidarity day.