Pak Afghan Cricket Match: Sad End


It was sad to see altercation between Afghan bowler and Pak batsman, not laying the blame on any one, but I have noticed and agree with you that Afghan players’ attitudes borderline on hatred, and you have elaborated very well the underlying reasons for it. Unlike India & Pakistan, there is no open hostility between Pak & Afghanistan but then why such animosity? Living here in USA, I have come into interaction with many Afghans, majority who have at times lived and earned a decent living in Pakistan and ultimately were able to use Pak as a conduit to come to US, but the underlying theme in their complaint/dislike about Pakistan is what you have mentioned, they think that Pak got all the aid at their expense, I think it’s a misplaced conception, but you can’t convince them otherwise, I can’t tell you how many times I have seen Afghans cursing Pakistan and somehow holding Pak responsible for all their ills, we know that there is more to the story & truth, but the tragedy is that this is a mindset now on their part and it’s depicted in the game as well.

My advice will be to have coaches on both sides provide special instructions to their respective players before the game, because through games we can build bridges, build trust & eliminate misconceptions.