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Monday, May 20, 2024

Life Is A Balancing Act: Staying Fit, Focused, And Fabulous

Does the following quote by Albert Einstein resonate with you? “Life is Like a Bicycle. To Keep Your Balance, You Must Keep Moving.” In the midst of the prolonged pandemic, we were confronted with mandatory social distancing and isolation from friends, family, community, and daily activities. The closing of gyms, health clubs, dance studios, and other athletic facilities left us with an additional void in our fitness regimens. We soon realized the ongoing need for these outlets to bolster both our physical and emotional health. With this in mind, it’s imperative to find ways to maintain our workout routines even when our lives become unbalanced.

There’s no better time to get creative and think out of the box!

Virtual Reality Check

Fortunately, there are several solutions right at our fingertips. The virtual world has become our primary mechanism for staying connected to others. There are a wide variety of online classes and videos offered by health clubs, social media, Yoga and Pilates studios, as well as professional dancers and athletes. This is ideal for those of us who crave structure and directed activities in order to remain motivated. It’s also a chance to try something new and not feel intimidated. Even better, you can take these classes in the comfort of your own home in your PJs!

How to Be Your Own Best Friend

If you prefer solitary workouts, such as running, walking or biking, the option to make yourself a priority is definitely the way to go. Remember that self-care is not selfish, so treat yourself as you would treat your best buddy! It’s essential to stay healthy and maximize your cardiovascular functioning through movement.

Being outside in the open air is the key to feeling free and finding ample space to concentrate on your fitness routine. Working out alone is an ideal way to nourish your mind, body, and spirit while also attaining the health benefits. You can filter out distractions and focus on your own objectives for that particular day. The release of endorphins from different forms of exercise is an added bonus for our emotional well-being. Additionally, this is a useful tool to help us effectively cope with stress and anxiety, as well as strengthening our immune system. As you learn to appreciate your own company, you will feel more fulfilled and energized while engaging in these independent activities.

Extra Tip: Wear comfortable, supportive shoes when you’re walking, running or working out. A good pair of athletic footwear will correct imbalances and keep you more stable.

Cross-Train for Body and Brain

Achieving fitness requires dedication and commitment in the quest to attain peak performance, injury prevention, and remain in top condition. Cross-training is often recommended to accomplish these goals, while also reaping the benefits of refreshing your body and mind. We have been challenged to sustain optimal conditioning during the pandemic, including ways to cope with adjustments to social distancing. Consequently, the opportunity to incorporate the assets of cross-training have come to the forefront of our dynamic lives.

What’s the Best Exercise for You?

There are several forms of exercise that work best for fitness, recovery, and maintaining peak physical condition.

Here are a few suggestions:

Swimming – Jumping in the pool or the ocean can improve joint mobility without the resistance of gravity. You can choose moderate strokes to more cardio-focused workouts, such as running underwater or treading water.

Biking/Cycling – Riding at different levels of resistance can strengthen quads and glutes and increase cardio fitness. It’s a fun way to exercise and enjoy the outdoor environment.

Running – Depending whether your focus is on speed, endurance, or stamina, you can alternate between sprinting and long distance running. You don’t need to be a marathon runner to stay fit with running or jogging at your own pace.

Walking – This is a simple but perfect way to refresh your mind and spirit. You get all the cardiovascular benefits without pounding the pavements and adding stress to your joints. Even 20-30 minutes of brisk walking each day can work wonders for your health.

Yoga – Aside from the relaxation and meditative aspects of yoga, it helps strengthen and stretch your muscles. People of all ages can practice yoga with modifications to ease pain and reduce stress.

Pilates – This is a popular practice for increasing core strength, stability, and enhanced movement. It’s a challenging but low-impact form of exercise that also enhances mind-body awareness.

Cross-country or downhill skiing – This sport is geared for developing aerobic fitness and improving muscle strength. Both types of skiing also help strengthen internal rotation, which is often neglected in other forms of exercise.

Weight /Strength Training – The amount of weight you lift and the number of reps should be tailored to your individual needs. This should be modified according to your specific goals without risk of injury, or excessive muscle-building.

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