Kashmir – is the clock ticking


Modi, since his ascend to power corridors in New Delhi is treading a dangerous path leading to a Hindu India, leaving no space for minorities. The Nazi-like mindset, nurturing swiftly, has fostered an environment that encourages hate speech and also promotes hate crimes directed at Muslims, often under the banner of Hindu nationalism.

While illegally occupied valley of Jammu and Kashmir (J & K) was its first victim, Sikhs are now once again feeling the heat as reflected through ongoing farmers’ protest in New Delhi and government seems to care the least. India today seems to at war with its own people, with liberation calls from many parts of the country. It appears to the perfect case of fascism, where whatever the masses demand or say, the government is extremely adamant and going forward with its Hindutva project. Not to forget, the transformation of Modi’s outlook, who looks more a Hindu spiritual leader. The project is now reaching as far as the heavy militarized zone of J & K.

People of the Kashmir valley have suffered with millions of lives lost, thousands of females abused, hundreds disappeared and now their identity, businesses, cultural, religious and social exclusivity is under threat. UN resolutions have been waiting implementation for almost 70 years and despite few promises and statements have not been able to yield a change on ground.

In this context, ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ is celebrated in Pakistan and across the globe by Pakistani and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) nationals on February 05 each year. It has been observed in Pakistan since 1990, as a day of protest against illegal Indian control on part of Kashmir. It also focuses on showing Pakistan’s support and unity with the people of Indian controlled part of valley, their ongoing freedom struggle, and to pay homage to Kashmiri martyrs who lost their lives in the movement. The day is marked by public processions, special prayers in mosques for the liberation of Kashmir and peaceful protests that are carried out against the Indian oppression of Kashmir.

The day has particular political importance to all major political and religious parties both in Pakistan and AJK. It is a firm display of unity and solidarity to reassure Kashmiris that they are not alone in their struggle for freedom. Pakistan has always stood and shall always stand with people of J & K and will continue to act as their Ambassador for the world community. This year the “Kashmir Solidarity Day’ was bit different, as for years, Pakistan alone with a few sane voices would try to highlight Indian oppression in Kashmir valley. Though, this time the world did pay some attention and at least raised eye brows against Indian state oppression.

Thanks to the sitting government of India, for showing sheer desperation to take over the valley by whatever means possible and disregard any human, ethical and legal perspective. This brought the Kashmir issue under the spotlight and sent ripples across the world. Nonetheless, nothing seems to be stopping Modi; he is going forward with his mission to turn the once secular and pluralist India into a Hindu state only, suffocating others in the way.

The allure of   power is so great and so powerful that those who are engaged in the game become ruthless when it comes to possessing that power, and then keeping it for whatever time limit that they prescribe for themselves. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under Modi’s regime is on the similar road, to self-consuming eccentricity, that has totally eclipsed the essence of the human spirit.

The same Machiavellian mind, this time also attempted to change the future of Kashmir. On August 05, 2019, a presidential decree revoked Article 370 and 35 A of Indian Constitution that guaranteed special rights to the state of Kashmir and its residents. Afterwards, India deployed massive numbers of troops across the Kashmir valley, banned public movement and induced a communication blackout. Now, further Indian plans to change the demography of IIOJK are under implementation through a regulated program under disguise of development and new legislations.

One after the other, Indian lies and deceptions are coming to the light, whether it is Kashmir, Pakistan or internal friction with its minorities. The ‘Indian Chronicles’ have set the stage for the world to realize what India has tried so long to conceal – its illicit clandestine information warfare.

The European Union (EU) Disinfo Lab – an independent non-profit organization focused on tackling sophisticated disinformation campaigns – has really done an extensive work in digging out as how New Delhi has tried to tarnish Pakistan’s image and also how it poisoned the global perspective about Islamabad. There are also strong evidences that mainstream channels are paid huge amounts to promote jingoism against the communal minorities and fake normalcy in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Hindutva ideology, its craftsmen and proponents are unleashing a new wave of horror and brutality in Kashmir valley and across India as well, against minorities; the world is watching in silence with the exception of few sane voices. Though, those need to speak up whose voices matter – US in particular and West in general. Else, the clock is ticking; a civil war within India may emerge in near future, which would not be without repercussions for the region as well as the globe. It is time for the international world to diplomatically intervene and stop Modi from becoming another Hitler, and India from becoming another Nazi Germany.