Independence Day – What Has Changed since 1947?

Independence Day - What Has Changed since 1947?

In my younger days, Independence Day was something that was cherished. Special preparations were made with national flags hoisted on our roofs. It was an era, before the digital age, where one expressed his respect for the country not through words on social media but through actions that spoke. Now, we churn out Independence Day felicitations like unthinking robots programmed to perform a mandatory but meaningless exercise. A forced exchange of forwarded messages, given the occasion, that we are expected to share without the warmth and fervour of emotions that it truly deserves.

Today, as I went through my neighborhood, the white and green colors, emblems of our national unity, were conspicuous by their absence. What has changed? Why have we reached this stage? Why do we see an ominous disconnection between the people and the State? Where have I faulted? These questions rattled my mind.

It is all about perspective, the way we see, feel and respond in a particular situation. Our perspective on Pakistan and independence has changed drastically. Are we truly independent, is what we ask ourselves today.

Let the truth be told. Our faith in Pakistan is visibly shaken. We are surrounded by hopelessness and a sense of doom. Our hearts are heavy with the weight of growing uncertainty and our minds battle with the departing trust in the homeland.

Unending decades have passed under the gaze of time and still, we search for that elusive proud existence. We expect dignity but national coffers run empty on this most common commodity. Justice, in society and law, is shackled to the high pillars of might, deprived of its robe and stature.

But is Pakistan to be blamed for all this?

Orphaned shortly after birth, dismembered at a very young age, looted and plundered for the last seventy-odd years, it is Pakistan that should be asking the questions and not us.

We tend to club the System of Governance and Pakistan together. The System is unjust, no doubt about that. While condemning the System we reprove Pakistan as well. This approach, to a large extent, dominates our thoughts on the eve of Independence Day.

There is another side of the story which often remains unappreciated. Our country has not stopped carrying the weight of our soulless corrupt existence. The seeds we plant in the motherland’s womb still produce grain to feed us. The rivers have not run dry, unlike our patriotic emotions. Scathed, bruised and wounded by our actions and omissions, Pakistan continues to provide us with an identity.

While we may continue to argue our state of Independence, as for millions among us true independence has proved to be a distant mirage, however, we must also show our gratitude to Pakistan. We may not stop plundering but we can start pondering about our perspective and realize that it is not Pakistan that has to be blamed for our actions. So let us celebrate our identity. That is the least we can do.

Happy Independence Day!