Part 6 of 6 B-707 articles series
Rafiq Jan

This famous slogan became popular during the time of 707’s ascension to skies with airlines around the world. It captured the imagination of state heads, the business travelers, the government officials, the holiday makers, and the wealthy Hollywood stars. No other commercial jet in the world, including its own family, achieved a widespread fame and glory as this “Queen of the skies” did.

Nine generations of dominance are a superiority and success story of Boeing Airplanes Company.
Inaugural presidential plane in the U.S history.
Boeing 314 Clipper, the flying boat, had the honor to take the firstever sitting president into the air to mark the history of presidential flights. President Franklin D Roosevelt flew to Casablanca for a conferrence in Boeing airplane.
“Air force one”. B-707 was the one
First ever official Presidential airplane for U.S president was a Boeing 707-120 (VC-137A). President Eisenhaur started the White House private Jet travel in 1959.
America’s cultural icon.
In 1957, JANTZEN, an American swimwear company (est 1916) used B707 picture to advertise its new collection.

Actor/Pilot John Travolta owned B-707 as his personal jet for a long time. His plane previously belonged to Qantas Australian airline was parked outside his florida home alongwith his other smaller planes. Frank Sinatra too had been a proud owner of this legendary plane.
In 60z commercial aviation world it was the only jetliner designed and approved for “Hot and High” operation, because of the most powerful JT-3D engines.
Boeing 707 wasn’t the first jetliner,but its popularity became widespread due to its design features, the capability and the safety standards. Its onslaught forced a rapid development of airports terminals infrastructures across the globe.
After its successful inaugural flight in October 1958, the demand soared and various U.S airlines started domestic operation by leasing the PAA planes apart from their firm orders. Most of the orders and deliveries took place between 1959 to 1969. This was the golden period of Boeing Commercial Planes production line when it dominated the market with its hot-selling product, leaving all its rivals behind and almost out of business.
As of now Boeing has diliverd over 10000 jetliners with more than 5700 on order. Though commercial passenger operation of B-707 ended long ago, it is still very much seen in her military versions as aerial refuelling, AWACS, special military reconnaissance, and military research and developments purposes by R&D institutions in U.S.
Several of B-707 design features still survive today in the form of appearance of nose and cockpit windows. One of her grandchildrens is B-737 bearing resembles for its fuselage and nose shape.
While Boeing worked on developing B-707 family, it actually set the stage for Boeing’s unstoppable success in becoming the world leader in commercial jetliner innovation and production. Boeing Airplanes Company never looked back after conquering the boundless expanse of oceans in hours, instead of days.
This was the success story of iconic B-707 jetliner that actually revolutionized the air travel.
End of part 6, and of my story about world’s most popular jetliner, the Boeing 707. It changed the way of air travel and literally dwarfed the glob by covering its limitless horizons in a single hop.
Hope you enjoyed reading my series of article as much as I have relished writing them. My special thanks to Mr. Imtiaz Gul for his encouragement in completing this project.
The author is Aircraft Engineer, Author & Planes enthusiast