Does Insensitive Khalilur Rehman Deserve Respect?


Writer/director Khalilur Rehman Qamar, according to rumors has married TV actor Eshal Fayaz. He has responded to it in a nasty way saying “I don’t want to be associated with such second-rate women”.

His statement caused a social media outrage among women especially, for his misogynist remarks.

On the other hand, Eshal only responded to it by saying “there is no truth in the rumours doing rounds since yesterday. I haven’t gotten married to anyone, I am very much single”.

 Qamar rubbished the rumours and said, “I strongly reject all such rumours as sheer propaganda. I am happy and satisfied in my life and also request everyone spreading these claims to not associate my name with such second-rate women”.

He also said it is shameful of people to peep into the personal lives of artists like him and destroy their images. “I solemnly declare nothing of the sort ever happened between me and the heroine and we were just working together to complete the project in quite a professional way.”

Earlier, Qamar also was heavily criticized for use of dialogue “Do tokay ki larki”  in his drama “Mere Paas Tum Ho”. Many viewers and social activists are very critical of him for the use of inappropriate langue for women.  After the recent statement about his scandal with Eshal, people are criticizing him for his derogatory remarks for women in his plays and also in his real life.