Foreign Interference Through Contractors was a reality, says Gen.Asif Yasin


Pakistan currently finds itself in the throes of a political and constitutional conflict that began with PM Imran Khan’s claim that US officials in a formal meeting early March had threatened to change his regime – with the help of local politicians – because he has tried to pursue an independent foreign policy.

The entire opposition is now up in arms because of the allegation and has called on the Army and ISI to investigate the matter.

Khan’s claim also brought to fore the issue of recurring foreign interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs – depending on which lens you are using to decipher the interference or otherwise.

General Asif Yasin Malik, a former defense secretary and corps commander who also served at key intelligence positions, had in a recent interview with Matrix Mag alluded to the possibility of such interference that officials were unhappy about.

General Yasin, in this interview, is talking about the time when both Pakistan and the United States were jointly fighting the war on terror and hunting Al-Qaeda leadership and their local affiliates in Afghanistan and the region.