Electric planes soon to be commercialized

Technology is exponentially fuelling innovation. The flying industry is undergoing a drastic transformation.

Within the next 15 years, the first electric aircraft is expected to be introduced in the commercial flight industry. Exciting times are ahead of us.

This Slovenia-manufactured aircraft was launched in 2016 by Pipistrel. The world’s first commercially produced ultra-light aircraft has an electric motor.

The plane can fly for one hour carrying up to two passengers and can cover almost 160 kilometers on an hour’s charge. The introduced electricity run jets are roughly estimated to cost $4-6 as per the requirement of electricity

Pipistrel Alpha Electro is produced in Slovenia. So far, 40 copies have been made
So far 40 such planes have been produced across US, Europe and Africa

Watch what it’s like to build and fly the Alpha Electro.

Currently, the aircraft is being used for training purposes at the airport runways.

Photo: Marcin Walków / Business Insider Polska
The existing infrastructure at the airports for charging the planes is insufficient and would have to be redesigned to support electric planes

Photo: Marcin Walków / Business Insider Polska
The first electric passenger aircraft  is expected to be functional in the next 15 years

If the techniques to surmount the hurdles regarding batteries and their efficiencies is taken care of in the given time, the electric planes would come standard before 2040.