The alarming rise of Diphtheria-Corynebacterium cases in Karachi, which primarily affect the throat, releases toxin (formation of greyish white membrane also called throat distemper) and upper respiratory tract in humans, especially in children.
It is a completely preventable disease with a vaccine (PENTA—a combination of antigens against diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis-B, and Haemophilus influenzae type b), which is administered I/M as the 1st dose given at 6 weeks of age, the 2nd dose at 10 weeks of age, and the 3rd dose at 14 weeks of age.
If a child has not received the 1st dose by the age of 1 year, start vaccination as soon as possible according to the 0-1-6 schedule: 2 doses 4 weeks apart, then a 3rd dose 6 months after the 1st dose.

Each year Pakistan has been reporting an increasing number of diphtheria cases, which correspond to the vaccination trends in the children despite having Federal & Provincial EPI Directorates and Districts and beyond field staffing, which is responsible for reaching every child during the special drive and delivering routine immunization to the children from the health facilities across the country.
There is insecurity and saving skin from accountability in the health officials who are trying to prevent information to the public on the infectious disease outbreak, then things go bad to worse. In case someone in the system gives breaking news, they will face disciplinary action from the high officials, as the majority of the time our electronic and press media gives the news of a disease outbreak in Pakistan. Â
In the beginning of this year 2024, the Ministry of National Health Islamabad conducted a global health security summit to be the most responsible state and shared data and information on infectious diseases with the world; however, insecurity and reservation still exist in the system.
There was a huge outbreak of diphtheria in Karachi in October 2024. Regrettably,  health facilities, especially the tertiary hospitals in the metropolitan city of Karachi, did not have Diphtheria Antitoxin (serum). It is administered through injection into a vein or muscle. Vial of 10,000 units, which is a preparation containing the specific globulin having specific activity of neutralizing the toxin formed by Corynebacterium diphtheria.
Diphtheria is a completely preventable disease with increasing vaccine coverage (PENTA) by vaccinators, improving hygiene practices, and enhancing surveillance and reporting systems.