Matrix Media Report
Prominent Kashmiri jurist Dr.Nazir Gilani believes that Pakistan’s Foreign Office and the Azad Kashmiri leaders have failed Kashmiris. In a talk with MATRIXMAG, Dr.Gilani pointed out the following 3 alerts that Pakistani officials and Kashmiri leaders failed to pick up on the way to the revocation of Article 370 by the Indian government.
1. First Alert – Election Manifesto of BJP. It was no secret. BJP hung on to it in election campaign.
2. Second Alert – Yashwant Sinha after his return from Kashmir said in a TV interview on 26 December that “Modi Government has abandoned the Vajpayee policy of ‘consensus, democracy and insaniyat’ in favour of a strong state policy in Kashmir, which meant the use of brutal force to kill as many as they could”. He stopped short of revealing the name of the official in Modi Government who had revealed the use of ‘brutal force’ in Kashmir.
3. The Third alert was JKCHR’s written statement released by the UN Secretary General as document A/HRC/41/NGO/115 on 25th June 2019 at the 41st session of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Kashmir Desk in the Foreign Office should have seriously considered the latter two alerts. Unfortunately, anyone and everyone who is associated with Kashmir, behaves as a politician and does not have time and respect for reliable views on Kashmir.

The Jammu Kashmir Council on Human Rights (JKCHR) that Dr.Gilani heads, had in a statement discussed the UN report and had alerted the UN about the testimony of Yashwant Sinha. Foreign Office should have picked up the 3 alerts.
It was not only the BJP election manifesto but two alerts flagged by Yashwant Sinha (Minister in Vajpayee Cabinet) and JKCHR on 26 December 2018 and 25 June 2019 that were not picked up by the foreign office sensors.
Azad Kashmir Government has no clue how to advance the support for the defence of “Rights and Dignity” and “Security and Self-Determination”. It should avoid ‘political tourism’ in the name of Kashmir and address the JURISPRUDENCE of Kashmir Case.
The present Kashmir crisis would have been pre-empted or would not have been as gruesome, if the sensors of foreign office would have been working well. The service is politicised. They are no more the wisdom and the science laboratory of the nation, says dr.Gilani and concludes:
“The Foreign Office has hurt the cause of Kashmir. The present Kashmir crisis would have been pre-empted or would not have been as gruesome, if the sensors of foreign office would have been working well.”