China as a Key Player in Middle Eastern Diplomacy: The Path to Peace and Stability

China as a Key Player in Middle Eastern Diplomacy: The Path to Peace and Stability

At China’s invitation, senior representatives from Palestinian factions gathered in Beijing (July 21-23, 2024) for reconciliation talks, resulting in the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity. Experts shared their insights with China Daily on this diplomatic breakthrough, emphasizing its significance.

China’s diplomatic efforts in the Middle East have gained notable attention and success in recent years, exemplified by its role in brokering peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and most recently, facilitating Palestinian unity talks.

Key factors behind China’s success include:

Sustained Commitment to Peace: China consistently advocates for fair and comprehensive resolutions to regional conflicts, emphasizing peaceful dialogue as the primary means of conflict resolution. Previous invitations to Palestinian and Israeli leaders highlight this ongoing effort.

Effective Mediation: China’s successful mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran showcased its growing influence and the effectiveness of its cooperative approach, even amidst heightened tensions during the Trump administration.

Economic Cooperation: China’s diplomacy emphasizes economic development over geopolitical interests, aligning with Middle Eastern countries‘ desire for stability and growth. This approach offers a compelling alternative to the cycles of conflict and competition.

Trust and Recognition: The request from Palestinian factions for China to facilitate their reconciliation underscores the growing trust and recognition of China’s role in the region.

Despite skepticism about the long-term impact of China’s efforts, particularly regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, China’s structured and phased approach—combining immediate steps with a long-term vision—offers hope. Proposals for a sustainable ceasefire, governance arrangements for Gaza, and promotion of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations reflect this strategy.

While China’s growing influence in Middle Eastern diplomacy faces criticism, particularly from Western voices concerned about diminishing influence, the pragmatic and cooperative nature of China’s approach provides a counter-narrative to past divisive strategies.

The success of Saudi-Iranian reconciliation and the positive reception of China’s involvement in Palestinian unity talks suggest that China’s diplomatic approach resonates with regional stakeholders. This marks a significant shift towards cooperative development and stability in the Middle East, positioning China as a key player in promoting peace.