Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid
Dr. Uzma Syed, Chair of a New York’s COVID-19 Task Force, who spends 16 hours a day saving lives across three hospitals, as she balances being a wife and the mother of two young children. She is just one of the Ten percent Muslim physicians saving lives in New York.
But their services to the US as a community, as Americans and neighbors, hardly get recognized or acknowledged. Muslims in America serve their neighbors on a daily basis, but America does not know this. About 92% of the articles referencing Muslims in a study of major US media in 2018 referred to associated negative images and foreignness to their Muslim neighbors.
Does America know this? No. Whose fault is it? It’s ours – the American Muslim community. While we’ve been busy enjoying the American dream, we have not been telling our story.

To spread this message the Sound Vision Foundation recently launched a satellite TV channel which covers the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, also already on Amazon TV and ROKU