US Working with Pakistan to Eliminate Tuberculosis

US Working with Pakistan to Eliminate Tuberculosis

Donald Blome, ambassador to Pakistan says both US and Pakistan and working together to eradicate Tuberculosis. At the launch ceremony of USAID’s Tuberculosis Local Organization Network (TB-LON), Blome said tuberculosis affects millions in Pakistan and disrupts lives, livelihoods, and communities. Pakistan ranks fifth among countries with the highest rate of TB, but I am proud to say, we are working to change that. The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Government of Sindh, and local partners are proving that partnership and innovation can make a real difference. That is why we are gathered today – to launch a groundbreaking $9 million initiative, which will provide expert guidance and resources to help eradicate TB, exemplifying our commitment to the people of Pakistan.

Despite its preventable and treatable nature, TB remains a formidable global threat, claiming millions of lives annually. Working together, we will strengthen Pakistan’s capacity to combat this public health crisis, reaching every person affected by TB and curing those in need of treatment, while preventing new infections.

The United States is leading the global fight against TB and we have committed over $4.7 billion worldwide since 2000, underscoring our dedication to end this preventable and treatable disease. In Pakistan, our investment in the Tuberculosis Local Organization addresses this pressing public health challenge head-on. We seek not only to combat TB but to empower communities equipped to tackle future health challenges.
Over the past 75 years, our partnership has been instrumental in driving transformative progress across Sindh province. Together with the Government of Sindh, we’ve worked to tackle malnutrition, clean water, and quality schools. And we will continue to do more to address the most pressing health needs in Sindh.

We are proud to partner with the Dopasi Foundation on this initiative. Local expertise and sustainable, community-driven solutions are fundamental to success. So, thank you for your commitment to tackle this challenge.

Finally, I extend my sincere appreciation to the Government of Sindh, particularly to Minister Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho and her team, for their unwavering support for all of this work. Your dedication is invaluable as we work towards a TB-free future for Sindh and beyond. Thank you all for joining us today.