Pakistani Users Can Now Earn Money on Instagram

Pakistani Users Can Now Earn Money on Instagram
Pakistani Users Can Now Earn Money on Instagram

Pakistani influencers can finally earn money via Instagram as our country has enabled monetization on the platform. The social media giant has quietly added Pakistan to its list of territories where it can earn revenue from brand deals, advertising and more.

You can check if you go to the Instagram app settings. Simply go to Account > Branded Content > Status. This is where it will show you that you are eligible for monetization. So, you can make money from Instagram.

This is a server-side update, so it should be available to everyone without manually updating the app.

This will enable various Pakistani content creators to start their career on this platform. Millions of people in the country use Instagram, many of whom also follow Pakistani influencers. Actors and artists have already made their mark and should have no problem finding business on the platform. Even newcomers who want to become influencers now have solid incentives to work on the idea.

However, Instagram does remind all influencers that their content must comply with our monetization guidelines to remain eligible.

For example, you cannot monetize static videos that show images with little or no movement. Image slideshows, looping videos, text montages, embedded ads, and static image polls prompting answers to content-related questions are also not permitted.

Explicit, harmful or controversial content is not allowed. Also, dissemination of false information, misleading content, non-original content, or copyrighted material is prohibited.