Drinks Enough Liquids
While it’s always important to stay hydrated, besides consuming other drinks, your water intake needs special attention in the summer.Try keeping a bottle of water with a few ice cubes in it with you whenever you go out in the summer so that you’ll always have something to drink. You should also include other drinks in your daily intake e.g. mint and lemon water, lassi, fresh fruit juices, iced tea, cold coffees, etc.

Eat light
To keep the body hydrated and cool, eat light. Eat plenty of salads instead of meats, fried food and very spicy meals. There’s a good reason salad is so popular in warmer climates. They’re a lot easier to digest and won’t make you feel sluggish in the summertime heat. Fruits and vegetables are often watery and will keep you hydrated and cool .

Hang Wet Towels Across the Windows
One of the most cost effective and easiest method if you live in an area with dry weather is putting a little moisture in the air by soaking a towel and hanging it in front of an open window. A cool, moist breeze can feel fantastic when it’s hot outside.

Go for a swim or shower
The body loses heat in water much quicker than it loses heat in air. Taking a dip in the pool or a quick shower will cool you down rapidly.

Cool Your Home
Turn off extra lights and keep the oven/stove at bay. Your home is less likely to heat up from within if you steer away from the electric appliances.

Get a dehumidifier if you live in a humid climate
When it’s too humid, sweat doesn’t evaporate very easily, which makes it harder for your body to cool you naturally. Luckily, a device called a dehumidifier can pull the moisture out of the air, making it easier for your body to cool itself.