Pakistan is a blessed country when it comes to natural beauty, resources and wildlife. However, due to lack of attention of our policy makers towards environmental factors, Pakistan is among top 5 countries vulnerable to climate change. The wildlife in Pakistan is full of exotic animals. Unfortunately, due to various factors like deforestation, water pollution, urbanization, and hunting and fishing, a large number of exotic animals found in Pakistan are on verge of extinction.
We have prepared list of 5 animals that are critically endangered in Pakistan.

Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan. It is a large Capra species native to Central Asia, Karakorum and the Himalayas. Markhor was listed on red list of endangered animals by IUCN since 2015. Markhor live on high mountains and have an average life of 12 to 13 years. According to various reports, Markhor in Pakistan have now reduced down to around 2500 -3000. This is mainly due to illegal hunting of Markhor, deforestation and attack by wild predators like leopards.
Himalayan Brown Bear:

A sub-species to Brown bear, Himalayan brown bear is native to Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India, west China and Nepal. Himalayan Brown Bear is one of the biggest mammals in Pakistan and is categorized as critically endangered by IUCN specifically in area of Hindukush and Himalayas. Himalayan Brown bears are sister clan to brown bear and polar bears and go into hibernation for months during winters.
They are mainly found in Deosai plains of Pakistan and are hardly left in numbers (70-80). The main reason for their endangerment is poaching and hunting of these bears to use their internals for medicine and fur and claws for ornaments. Moreover, they are often hunted by shepherds to protect their livestock.
Asian White-Backed Vulture:

Asian White backed vultures have several names and are locally known as Gidh in Pakistan. These Vultures were present in Pakistan in quantities of thousands during 90s. However, currently they are critically near to extinct as the numbers of vultures now in Pakistan is hardly in hundreds (221 in 2011). Asian White-Backed Vultures are native to India, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Since the beginning of 20th century, these Asian cultures started to die all around the continent. The major reason for extinction of these vultures in Pakistan and other countries is use of veterinary drug diclofenac which transfers to vultures when they eat carcasses. In 2006, Pakistan and Nepal banned use of diclofenac and with help of WWF-P, Pakistan has been able to preserve some individuals of this species and will start artificial incubation of vultures.
Snow Leopard

Snow Leopards are an endangered species and are present in quantity of around 4000 worldwide. Snow Leopards are found in Hindukush and Karakorum region as well as Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. The Snow Leopard Foundation (SLF) Pakistan found that population of these leopards is now hardy 200-250 in Pakistan. Snow Leopards are usually found around 4000 meters above sea level and are losing their habitat due to melting snows and deforestation.
SLF Pakistan and Global Environmental Facility (GEF) US under the Climate Ministry of Pakistan are administrating ‘Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Programme’ which aims at protecting and conserving species of Snow Leopard in Pakistan.
Marco Polo Sheep

The Marco Polo sheep is an exotic subspecies of sheep that are distinguishable from sheep due to their large size and spiral horns. Marco polo sheep are usually found in mountainous areas of Central Asia and are native to Pakistan. Marco polo sheep have steep valleys and open areas as their habitat and are considered very valuable in agricultural aspect when they move in herds with livestock.
In Pakistan Marco Polo sheep is found in Khunjerab Pass, Hunza valley, Karakorum and Hindukush. Since an exotic animal, Marco Polo sheep are often hunted for their skin, meat and exotic horns. However, government of Pakistan now takes their conservation very seriously as they were declared endangered by IUCN in 2015. The Khunjerab National Park has separate conservation segment for Marco Polo Sheep where any kind of human activity or hunting is not allowed.
Pakistan Climate Change Ministry’s Response to Endangered Species
The Climate Change Ministry, in 2019, started a large scale initiative of creating a ‘Red Data List’ which collects adequate data about endangered species as well as other exotic species, their habitat, conservation and other factors that can help government in their preservation.
The Red List is being prepared with more than 50 wildlife scientists, biodiversity experts, researchers, surveyors, IUCN Pakistan, World Wide Fund for Natural Pakistan (WWF-P), Zoological Survey of Pakistan, and Wildlife Conservation Society of Pakistan. The dedication of government of Pakistan and specifically interest of Prime Minister Imran Khan towards our natural resources is a ray of hope for reducing the extinction of these endangered species.
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