8 Ways To Be Kind To Yourself Today


The world increasingly is becoming a tough and unforgiving place. It is not easy to  stay motivated with the kind of life pressures we face every day. The lifestyles most of us are adopting are becoming tougher and challenging. When we are not able to accomplish most of our goals due to various factors, we at times become too critical of our selves and treat ourselves in unkind ways.

Today, we are sharing some ways that can lead you to be kind to yourself.

Schedule “Me Time”

You deserve a break for the stresses you deal with every day. So look at your schedule and take out some activities that are less important to create some time for yourself. It could be an entire day or a couple of hours every  day. On that particular day or the hours you have taken out, do the things that you want to do and not have to do. There is a difference. Life is too short to fill the calendar with meetings, sales calls, and events. Try filling it with things you enjoy too e.g. watching a movie or your favourite TV show, going out for a nice walk, listening to music, or cooking.

Treat yourself

You work hard for your money. But, of what value is that money, if it doesn’t give you happiness, comfort and mental peace. While the financial experts keep advising you on saving money for “rainy” days,  go ahead and spend some of it. Try to keep it within your means but treat yourself to something that brings you tremendous joy.  Spend on whatever makes you feel good.

Self believe

Since life has become very challenging, sometimes the best approach towards life is to simply believe in yourself. Keep reminding yourself that by putting in hard work, you have been this successful and know that the same belief will get you to where you want to go. Simply trust your abilities.

Positive affirmations

While people look for validation outwards, give yourself that much needed pep talk. Chose affirmative sentences and statements like, “I am great and I can do whatever I want” and “And I know in my heart all of this to be true.” By repeating these affirmations on a daily basis, your life trajectory will change besides your mood being lifted. Try it!

Be surrounded by positive people

“you are known by the company you keep”, say many. And that is so true. If you are surrounded by negative minded, lazy and aimless people, you become one of them. Seek out those who will empower you with knowledge, skills and attitudes that help in personal and professional growth. Those are the ones who will speak positively about you. When life is overwhelming, surround yourself with those who you look up to and let them pick you up.

Walk, walk and walk

If you have time and can afford to take time out for a leisurely walk, go for it. Get out into nature and see the world. While you’re out there, smell the smells, listen to the sounds, and feel the wind as it passes by. Some of the most enjoyable things in life are often free and readily available.

Listening to music 

Music is therapeutic. It is the universal language. With technology at hand, music of your choice is just a click away so use this to your advantage. Remember, only you know what that song is so go ahead and load it up. From there, prepare to be taken away to a place that only you know.


If music, reading or walk  isn’t your thing, no problem. Unplug from the world and curl up in a comfy chair with your favorite book. It could be the one that you’ve read more than 5 times and each time that you pick it up, it’s impossible to put down. Pick it up again and get ready to immerse yourself in a place unlike your own.