3 ways to celebrate your mom on Mother’s Day


Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 8, this year. It may surprise you to know that celebrations honoring mothers are ancient traditions, not a Hallmark invention.

Clearly, we are remembering our mothers. Yet, each year we are faced with the same question: What should we get our mama for Mother’s Day? How do we show our love? Sometimes, to be quite honest, we get stuck. So this year we reflect: What do we want for Mother’s Day? What makes us feel special?

If you’re stuck, too, here are three things most moms would love for you to do:

Relieve her of her duties.

Nothing says, “I love you,” like walking into the house and finding all the chores been done by the family. This Mother’s Day, relieve mom of her usual to-do’s by making it your responsibility. Plan the meal. Do the laundry. Help her catch up on something for work.

Honor your mom by serving her this Mother’s Day.

Reassure her with your words.

Hearing how family feels about you is the best present. Honor your mom with your words this Mother’s Day. Appreciate the things she did for you. have a nice little chat with her.

Remember something she loves.

Whether it’s a special piece of jewelry she’s had her eye on or her favorite snacks, a thoughtful gift reminds your mom of how well you know her and that you’re thinking of her. What does your mom love? Be creative.

Honor your mom by remembering what she loves on Mother’s Day.

Make this Mother’s Day special for your mom and think about how you can hit one or all of these three giving her some relief and reassurance, and showing her you remembered.