Some tips for you that’ll keep you healthy and energized throughout this cold winter:
1: Hygiene

Washing your hand regularly keeps you at a lower risk of catching bacterial diseases and viral diseases. So we must maintain our hygiene as we are more prone to diseases like cold and flu during this season.
2: Exercise:

Doing exercise is the most essential thing you need to do regardless of the weather. During winter, regular exercise will keep your body and it’ll boost up your immunity.
3: Healthy diet:

Having a healthy diet will always keep your body healthy and in great condition. During the winter season add whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, meat, etc. to your diet. Take a proper amount of Vitamin-C containing food as it boosts our strength and immunity.
4: Sleep

Having a good amount of sleep is always beneficial for your body. It boosts and immunity and makes our body relaxed.
5: Keep Yourself Hydrated

It is always important to keep yourself hydrated. So drink the proper amount of water during winter as well. It will help your body to remove all the toxins and bacterias.
6: Health Check-up

Do regular health check-ups. As our body is more prone to diseases during winter, it is important for us to take a proper check-up and vaccination.
7: Mushrooms

Add Mushrooms to your diet. Mushrooms have a large number of anti-biotics which are helpful for us to keep us away from any illnesses.
8: Vitamin-D

To boost your immunity, give a nice soak of sunlight to your body, early in the morning. As it replenishes the Vitamin-D level in our body.
9: Quit Smoking

Smoking is the worst thing you’ll do to yourself in winter. Smoking decreases immune responses and increases the chances of infection. Thus, avoid smoking to keep yourself healthy and fit.
10: Clothing

Last but not the least, use proper woolen clothes to keep yourself warm during the cold winter.
Courtesy: SpotBoye